Project Description
Seven Steps Healthcare Training
Training is the core to our business and all our programmes are recognised by the national standards. In addition to mandatory training we ensure that before being assigned to any duties, employees are given shadowing opportunities. We believe in marrying the theory into practice, it’s all about the application. We also ensure that our staff performance is monitored through supervision and support. Our staff will receive training in safeguarding and we will ensure that they understood the procedures and its application in order to protect the individuals from the risk of abuse.
‘’It helps to minimise the risks, improves quality and satisfaction’’
All of our employees are fully trained individuals. Prior to commencing or taking any duties or responsibilities, every employee has to go through a structured induction process. Seven Steps Healthcare offers shadowing opportunities for every employee and this will be supervised by our experienced team leaders. Importantly, we ensure that every employee has received practical training on manual handling and also mandatory training followed by a competency test as per Care Quality Commission (CQC) and as recommended by the Government Procurement Services. Supervisions and refresher courses are offered continuously. All our new appointed employees will have to demonstrate basis of English communication skills.
- We are an agency that treats every employee as unique, valuable and not forgetting that they are the pillars of the organisation. Seven Steps will invest in training as well as their future, bearing in mind that they are the pillars of the good success.
- Importantly, we value support worker’s life experiences, we will never take anything for granted.
Mandatory Training :

Basic life support including CPR
Equality & Diversity
Moving & Handling
Food Hygiene Safety
Fire safety
Infection Control
Manual Handling
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults & Children (Level 1& 2)
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults & Children (Level 1& 2)
Conflict Management
Lone Working
Mental Capacity
Patient Consent & Confidentiality
Health & Safety Awareness -RIDDO & COSHH
Other Exceptional Training
Diabetes awareness
Dementia awareness
Person-centred training
Autism awareness
Catheter Care
Bucal Midazolum training
Mental Capacity Act
Managing of violence and aggression
Patient Consent & Confidentiality
Monday – Firday |
9:00 – 17:30 |
Saturday |
On Call Only |
Sunday |
On Call Only |