Conditions of Use:
MINDFUL EMPLOYER® is a Registered Trade Mark of Devon Partnership NHS Trust. The MINDFUL EMPLOYER logo may only be used by those employers who are an active signatory of the ‘Charter for
Employers Positive about Mental Health’ (the Charter), or by supporting organisations who have signed a partnership agreement with Devon Partnership NHS Trust allowing them to do so. It is not to be used by or passed onto other employers, partners, associations, or sub-contractors. Should an employer lose its Charter status – whether through voluntary withdrawal or failure to complete their Charter review – then the employer must forfeit all current rights to the MINDFUL EMPLOYER logo and remove all instances of the logo used by the organisation.
Use of the Logo:
Providing that your organisation meets the above ‘Conditions of Use’, the MINDFUL EMPLOYER logo may be used for any of the following purposes:
- Internal documents: including letterheads, notices, and company policies.
- Staff recruitment: including job adverts, application forms, and person specifications.
- External marketing: Including corporate websites and social media.
Should you chose to use MINDFUL EMPLOYER’s logo to promote the initiative through your website or social media channels, a hyperlink to should be included whenever possible.
The MINDFUL EMPLOYER logo should not be used for any other purpose than those discussed above. Only those logos provided to your organisation as part of your ‘Charter Pack’ may be used, and these should not be altered in any way other than size, which may be adjusted proportionately to protect the aspect ratio. A border should not be applied to the image, nor should the colour be altered or a strapline added.